Friday, June 5, 2009

Waynesboro, VA

Rain rain go away come back another day! Today's hike into Waynesboro, VA was wet, cold and much tougher than a ridge runner led us to believe. For the past few days thunderstorms have hit literally a mile before I get to camp and today, ahh today! It rained HARD from 7am until 2:30pm. The section I hiked today was very rocky and when water meets rock, Rocket meets rock. I'm very happy to be at the Lutheran Church Hostel for the evening. I start the Shenandoah National Park tomorrow and the weather is suppose to be nice for the next few days so whoopie!
I really enjoyed hiking with Nicole in the early part of the week. It was a much needed break to hiking alone all day, everyday which I actually prefer but Nicole is exceptional company. I'm running into a lot of people that I met at Trail Days and I may have found a couple that are hiking at my pace, Blue Sky and Greenlite. Greenlite and I competed in a pancake eating contest first thing when getting into town today. Neither of us came close to the record of 28 (I won't even say how few we ate). I may skip dinner tonight but unlikely. Speaking of which, I better find some food in this town before our 10pm curfew. Take care!


1 comment:

  1. Well it's been exactly 2 months since Mom and I told you goodbye on top of Amicoloa Falls 7.5 miles south and almost verticlly south of Springer Mountain. Do you realize just how far your've come? Half way in two months, through some of the most difficult terrain in NA! Pretty good I'd say! Gald you've decided to take a week off with Nicole. Give you a chance to rest up, let the body repait a bit for the second half. The pictures keep getting better thanks for taking the time to post them out there. Everyone love to see what it looks like and they bring it to life; well sort of anyway.

    Let me know if you need anything. Praying for you every day!

    I Love You!

